The New
Call #00

The work that opens The New Call collection cannot be strictly qualified as reinterpretation -as the remaining ones- as it does not have any referent, either formal or conceptual, to Werkman’s work. It is like a foreword, an introduction that leads to a collection, even it belongs to it.

The word game in which Werkman’s generic title “The Next Call” changes to “The New Call” is the key element. In this metaphoric game where the two works join together, the two titles appear. Neither of which have enough definition to prevail, even to show as distinguishable. The “new” item and the small text that goes together with it, give order and contextualize the collection and end up giving us the necessary clues to read and reinterpret the group.

Limited series of 40 units stamped, numbered and signed.
Manually printed in three runs and three inks with a Korrek Hannover (1964)

Size: 19 ¾ x 27 ½” (50x70cm.)

Prize: 45€

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