Since 1996 involved in teaching and graphic designer training, Jesús Morentin began in 2009 a research project and recovery of old printing methods with entirely manual processes using lead and wood fonts and created his own workshop-studio, BunkerType, a space in which he only develops personal projects. In these projects he combines a view that is very close to the artistic field, even though it has been filtered by the designer’s gaze and the know-how and technique of the old printers, seeking to ensure that moveable types are always the real protagonists.
From then on he has presented different works, among which (1) his approximations to the work of H. N. Werkman are noteworthy with the project “The New Call” –in which he reinterpreted the paradigmatic magazine edited by the Dutch artist between 1923 and 1926-, (2) his personal and critical vision of Spanish society and politics with the project “Spain Is Different” –in which, thanks to the collaboration with the Gerd Arntz Estate Foundation, he interpreted the unique and rich iconic universe of the German graphic artist–, and (3) “Futura_90”, a tribute to the typography designed by Paul Renner in 1927 on the occasion of his ninetieth anniversary.
In his latest work “Bauhaus_100(x3)”, he pays special tribute to the school of architecture, design and arts & crafts founded in Weimar in 1919 in commemoration of the centenary of its inauguration. It is again a work of revision and reinterpretation of a past that claims to be present and from which there is still much to learn.