The New Call, the last project of BunkerType.

By Bunker Shop, H.N. Werkman, The New Call, Uncategorized, WorksNo Comments

  The New Call, BunkerType’s latest project, takes over from my previous approach to H.N. Werkman, and propose a new and more mature and personal reinterpretation, of one of the most paradigmatic works of the admired Dutch author: “The Next Call”, one of the boldest publication of the European avant-garde art of the interwar period.

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Grazie mille! (LPW2015)

By BunkerType with..., Letterpress, WorksNo Comments

I just arrived from Leoncavallo where the fourth edition of Letterpress workers was held with not enough time to digest the experience but with the need to write this few words. I have the need to thank, as soon as possible, the experience, the learning, the intensity, the talent and generosity that filled the amazing space in Milan. /// I am trying to organize, summarize, find an approach in order to synthesize the experience and I realize that it is not going to be possible. I am assuming my state of shock and I realize that a slow decompression will…

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Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015

By BunkerType with..., Letterpress3 Comments

Letterpress Workers International Summit  (LPW) is an annual event held in Milan since 2012 that brings together outstanding designers and artists dedicated to letterpress in Europe and Latin America. Organized by Officina Tipográfica Novepunti held in Leoncavallo, the area with the most social activity of the city that becomes for a few days in a kind of artistic residence in which all participants-about thirty in this edition- share their knowledge and experience working on a common theme and whose works end up materializing in the edition of a book / catalog bringing together the different contributions. The meeting will be held…

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The quick corrupt politician jumps over the lazy society.

By BunkerType with..., WorksNo Comments

A while ago, one of my morning routines consited on letting me go without any target, throgout the huge amount of interent pages, more with the aim to find new containers than to digest new contents. It was thus, guided by chance, that I came across a version of the helpful pangram “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” which I really liked. I must admit the difficulties on mantaining a kind of self-imposed“editorial line” in which only typographical related contents are allowed in my virtual alter ego as bunkerman (especially now a days where one has to…

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The Jazz Grove, BunkerType soundtrack.

By WorksNo Comments

“Think fast, print slow” is with no doubt one of the sentences that best define the nature of my work at BunkerType. Like a kind of mantra that I keep on repeating, without even realizing, every time I go underground to my particular refugee. But, from a while ago I have realized that there are two ways to enjoy what I am doing: listening the The Jazz Groove or not doing it. Since Ramiro Espinoza suggested this station as a soundtrack of our first typographical meeting (by the way, I will tell you about that project shortly); the laid-back, cool and elegant…

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