After an hectic academic year full of new challanges its time for a well deserved holydays. See you on my return. Enjoy!!!! Ueps! When i will be back , a new idea: workshops with my Polaroid Land Cameras! 😉
There is a significant agreement placing the origin of our alphabet in the evolution of the phoenician signs that, in one of its derivations, turned to greek and from there to the current system but, what would happen if the origin of our letters could be explained in a different way? What if – for example – the sign “A” could really be a steer’s head as suggested by Brossa? In that new story the “R” sign would be a “P” with a walking stick, or the “B” would be a “P” with a double hump (are we not confusing…
What is the meaning of printing in paper now a day? Why keep on printing using techniques from more than five centuries ago? What is the meaning of printing in paper now a day? Why keep on printing using techniques from more than five centuries ago? It is not always easy to explain what I am doing in BunkerType to those who are not in the design or printing field thus, as logical, generally are unaware of the history, techniques or procedures that surround the system devised by Gutenberg. In the field closest to design there is also who –…
No doubt this is going to be a splendid year for typography lovers, although great appointments are expected – as the Congress of the ATypI or the 6th International Congress of Typography in Valencia – according to our guest, none of them reaches the success of the already legendary Week of the Protagonist, in which in strict alphabetical order each student becomes a celebrity during one school week, becoming officially – and with no hesitation – the teacher’s favorite and focusing much from the rest of the children in the group activities. Facing this great event, Martina decided to amuse…
After a month and a half, the exhibition on The Next Call -of H. N. Werkman- and its reinterpretations closes its doors. During this time Elisava School has been an excellent framework to enjoy the different exhibits; therefore the aim of these last lines is to express gratitude to the institution, with special reference to Virginia, Paul and Eva, for their confidence, patience and ubiquity among other things. Exposed tools will return to his usual place in the workshop and old specimens will be available again, but not all of the material will have the same fate! The variation of…