After finishing my last project “The New Call” last November, I was honored to exhibit and present it in Madrid, at the Centro Cultural Conde Duque, within the Typomad Festival, and afterwards, toward January, to do a trip to Holland (Amsterdam and Groningen) where I was invited by the GWA and the GRID.

As they say in Spain, “is never to late if what  you are gonna tell is good”, so, with a couple of month of delay, I would like to share part of the BunkerType’s expedition.

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)

Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam.

The first stop of the journey took me to the GWA, Grafisch Werkcentrum in Amsterdam, one of the main gathering point for letterpress lovers and related arts in Holland. Located outside Amsterdam, is an amazing workshop reachable after a nice walk. There I met Corinne -center’s coordinator- and a recent collaborator and friend, Toni Ortega, an ex student of mine with whom, year ago,  I had the pleasure of match in the  Sabadell’s Escuela Superior de Diseño ESDi, and that became my shadow during the adventure.

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)
BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)

All the weekend was dedicated to Werkman, in a workshop where were rehearsed, first, techniques more proper to pochoir and experimental printing through templates, and later on, printing with movable type. It’s difficult to imagine more amount and variety of printing presses in a same spot as they have in GWA, so the works was really stimulating.

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)
BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)
All the weekend was dedicated to Werkman, in a workshop where were rehearsed, first, techniques more proper to pochoir and experimental printing through templates, and later on, printing with movable type. It’s difficult to imagine more amount and variety of printing presses in a same spot as they have in GWA, so the works was really stimulating. We tried with different ones to finally choose one of his new latest additions, a wonderful Lejeune 1850 Albion with which we printed our personal version.

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)
Finally the Amsterdam journey was closed with my last project presentation to the workshop assistant -that were joined by some GWA friend- for which I counted with the invaluable help and translation of Ramiro Espinoza, from ReType Foundry, who contributed to close the event very nicely, with lots of questions, laughs and some Holland’s beer.

BunkerType en el Grafisch Werkcentrum de Amsterdam. (BunkerType en Holanda)

>> Next stop: GRID, Grafisch Museum Groningen.


Jesús Morentin

Author Jesús Morentin

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