No doubt this is going to be a splendid year for typography lovers, although great appointments are expected – as the Congress of the ATypI or the 6th International Congress of Typography in Valencia – according to our guest, none of them reaches the success of the already legendary Week of the Protagonist, in which in strict alphabetical order each student becomes a celebrity during one school week, becoming officially – and with no hesitation – the teacher’s favorite and focusing much from the rest of the children in the group activities.

Martina, en su primer tiraje en BunkerType

Facing this great event, Martina decided to amuse her classmates with what eventually became her first edition in the Bunker (or “the letters” as she calls it in a metonymic unparallel exercise).  As a result, thirty cards that, in honor of the name of the class, characterized a couple of beautiful butterflies that Martina draw especially for the occasion and that I – with the best purposes – reproduced on a soft-cut sheet.

Martina, en su primer tiraje en BunkerType

A bunch of butterflies that were changing color depending on the impulse of the moment ended up fluttering in the small space of the Bunker in front of the pleased look of the one who speaks…

And, what can I say: The ATypl will be fantastic, no doubt, but that moment was priceless!

Martina, en su primer tiraje en BunkerType

Martina, en su primer tiraje en BunkerType

Martina, en su primer tiraje en BunkerType

Martina, en su primer tiraje en BunkerType



Jesus Morentin

Author Jesus Morentin

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