(follow up…) «Ivan, I need a cool gothic “G” of Gutenberg for next Saturday’s workshop». That was -in brief- the request what I e-mailed Ivan Castro a couple of weeks before the workshop on the occasion of the Gutenberg Year.
(follow up…) «Ivan, I need a cool gothic “G” of Gutenberg for next Saturday’s workshop». That was -in brief- the request what I e-mailed Ivan Castro a couple of weeks before the workshop on the occasion of the Gutenberg Year.
On the 3rd of February, the 550th anniversary of the death of Johannes Gutenberg was celebrated, which will be commemorated throughout 2018 with a multitude of events and exhibitions all over Europe around the figure of the brilliant German inventor. The Gutenberg Year kicked off in Barcelona on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of February with different exhibitions, conferences and workshops
“Serendipity” is an invention, a lucky finding result of chance that occurs when the objective is very different. Perhaps that should be the title of these compositions: “Serendipity in red (or blue)”, since it emerged by accident while reproducing a wood alphabet
I just arrived from Leoncavallo where the fourth edition of Letterpress workers was held with not enough time to digest the experience but with the need to write this few words. I have the need to thank, as soon as possible, the experience, the learning, the intensity, the talent and generosity that filled the amazing space in Milan. /// I am trying to organize, summarize, find an approach in order to synthesize the experience and I realize that it is not going to be possible. I am assuming my state of shock and I realize that a slow decompression will…
Letterpress Workers International Summit (LPW) is an annual event held in Milan since 2012 that brings together outstanding designers and artists dedicated to letterpress in Europe and Latin America. Organized by Officina Tipográfica Novepunti held in Leoncavallo, the area with the most social activity of the city that becomes for a few days in a kind of artistic residence in which all participants-about thirty in this edition- share their knowledge and experience working on a common theme and whose works end up materializing in the edition of a book / catalog bringing together the different contributions. The meeting will be held…